How to keep the mother of the bride happy on your wedding day!

In life we experience all kinds of special events. Some events are shared publically while some events hold special importance for you as a couple. There is so much to celebrate throughout a wedding. A good chance is your mother is as excited about your wedding day as you are because it is a big day for her too. Since the day you were born, she started dreaming about this special day of yours. Probably you have already realized this, but the day of your wedding is as big a milestone for your mother as it is for you. While your mother is very thrilled celebrating this special occasion of yours, still there may be an element of sadness that her baby girl is now all grown and ready to leave the nest. By including small details you can show your mother how much she means to you.

Give her a gift

Giving presents is always in fashion. Whether it’s a framed photograph of you both, a scarf or anything she loves, a small token of your love will surely get you some bonus points. You can get a photograph framed from your wedding photographer (Gareth Griffiths wedding Photography).

The first look

In most cultures, the first look is traditionally a photo shoot with your spouse to be but you can always grab your photographer once you are dressed and document smiles and happy tears with your mother first. Gareth Griffiths wedding photography makes truly amazing mother daughter portraits that will light up your living space.

Walking down the aisle

Traditionally, your father is supposed to walk you down the aisle. You can ask your mother to walk you half way down the aisle to meet your father. Involving your mother in your final walk is an expression of your love. Be sure to capture such moments. Photographs are a great way of reliving every moment.  Gareth Griffiths, Bruton wedding photographer has some great packages for your big day.

A song just for her

Pick out a song your mother loves. Play it on your wedding day and dedicate it to her. It may make her shed some tears, but the happiness will shine through. You could even have a dance with your mother. This is one of the key moments that Gareth Griffiths wedding photography will be ready to record for you. 

Favorite blooms

Flowers are a symbol of affection. They are a beautiful way to show you care for someone. Use your mother’s favorite flowers in wedding decorations, your bouquet and in her corsage too. This will make her mood more endearing. 

Toast for mom

In your special wedding toast, show your gratitude towards your mother and thank her for raising you as a wonderful independent woman. Tell your guests how her life has inspired you in being a better version of yourself and you dream of building a home just like hers one day.

To conclude your wedding day is just as important to you as it is to your mother, as your wedding photographer I will make sure I am there to record these once in a lifetime moment’s for you and your family to remember forever. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at



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